
Balancing the print media in the digital age

Posted On: July 15, 2023
Posted By: Mayabious Art

Over the past ten years, digital media has become far more popular than print media. Unsurprisingly, it has sparked a never-ending discussion about whether print media can continue to exist in the current market. The majority of businesses understand that using a mix of print and digital resources is the most effective way to reach customers, despite pundits’ premature predictions of print media’s demise.

What is print media? 

Radio and television are examples of traditional media, which also includes print media. Since the printing press was developed in the 15th century, print media has become the most widely used way for companies to communicate with their customers.

Printing is now much simpler and less expensive thanks to modern technology. Distribution channels have been expanding concurrently, enabling businesses to reach more customers than ever.

What is digital media?

Before the 1990s, when the tech industry started to experience rapid change, information technology was moving along at a reasonable pace. With the rise of Apple, companies all over the world surged ahead, constantly innovating to bring about the current digital era.

Digital or new media, which includes everything on the internet, such as websites, blogs, ebooks, whitepapers, social media, videos, podcasts, and emails, can be divided into three categories: paid, owned, and earned media. To reach their target audience, marketers typically mix all of these digital media types.

5 ways to balance print and digital media

  1. Finding the proper audience

The type of audience you’re trying to reach will have a big impact on the media you choose. If your audience isn’t using digital, there’s no point in spending a lot of money on it just because it’s trendy.

For instance, if your target market is older, placing an ad in the newspaper or handing out flyers might be more effective. Conversely, businesses that want to engage audiences between the ages of 18 and 45 would benefit from promoting their content on social media.

Print media hardly ever appears in this sector other than on menus. However, even menus need to be available digitally because many people check out a restaurant’s website before going there. The menu listed below is printable for restaurants and is also accessible online for viewing and downloading.

  • Planning the budget properly

Your budget will be affected by both print and digital media, but the exact amount will depend on your objectives and marketing plan. Print media has typically been more expensive than digital. So, when choosing which platform to use, you should be aware of this.

For instance, creating a social media account is free. Even websites can be built for a cheap price. Costs only come into play when promoting content online. Even so, the cost of promoted posts and advertisements is much lower than anything associated with print media. (This Blogging Wizard article on blog promotion shows how little money is required for online advertising.)

  • Determining the marketing goals

Your target audience, campaign budget, and end goal are all closely related to marketing campaigns.

You might discover that digital media is ineffective at reaching your target audience if your business has a local focus. Instead, you can engage customers by using printed materials like flyers and brochures.

On the other hand, international businesses, tourist destinations, and global events can all benefit greatly from digital media. It is difficult to distribute print media without people on the ground. Therefore, you must maximize your digital assets if you work remotely or internationally.

Setting your objectives in advance will prevent marketers from overextending themselves. Your goals can assist you in choosing particular resources to reach your audience rather than utilizing every channel at your disposal.

  • Sending a consistent message in both media

The best way to maintain a healthy balance between your print and digital media is to think of them as two parts of one whole. By harmonizing your messaging across all platforms, you can accomplish this.

This calls for maintaining consistency between print and digital advertising’s taglines, logos, and voice. You must also take digital vs. print pantones into account.

Make your print voice more formal and sales-focused while keeping your digital voice informal just because it’s the vogue in the digital space. To help your audience remember your brand, stick with it throughout.

  • Creating a media marketing loop

You should combine print and digital media in a way that feeds back on itself.

A call to action that directs your target audience to your website should be included in print materials. People should be encouraged by your online marketing campaigns to stop by your physical location or interact with you at events. The most effective way to connect with your audience is through this type of integrated marketing.

Some marketers continue to believe that a brand can only profit from one type of media. However, this is simply untrue.

Printing produces materials that are both tangible and memorable, which can support digital advertising. Additionally, digital advertising can help you reach new markets and demographics.

Both media types will be considered in a thorough marketing plan without going over your budget. The best way to balance print and digital is with a solid, integrated marketing strategy, which will eventually result in conversions and sales.

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